Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Protecting Corporate Assets Essays -- SOX Act,

Internal Controls. Kind of like a brick wall, or a fire wall on a computer. Internal controls act as a way to keep a company and its assets safe, as well as make sure that the company maintains complete and accurate accounting records. Internal controls are in charge of the overall well being of a company from its assets to its employees, even to its sales and reputation. A lot of things are involved with internal controls such as; Sarbanes-Oxley Act, stock well being, well being and safety of assets and accounting accuracy. One of the Internal Controls main purposes is that of keeping a companies assets safe, whether that be from employees, robbers, or misuse from outside parties. As one can figure keeping a companies assets would be a very important task that would keep a company running smoothly and successfully if all went well. Internal Controls will work to maintain the safety of all assets of a company by assuring no unauthorized use or access, and keeping close watches over all records and information. Another main task of the internal control is that of keeping the accounting records up to date and accurate at all times. In the past months there has been quite a bit of emphasis on the importance of a company keeping complete and accurate accounting records for many reasons. A companies well being may depend on its records accuracy, if there happen to be a problem spotted a simple solution would be to revert back to the records, but what if the records are inaccurate, or incomplete? It is extremely important that Internal Controls keep close watch over the accuracy of the companies accounting records of all forms. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 or SOX was created by the governments sector of Public Compan... ...d to companies loosing billions of dollars to those unethical practicing members of a company. As one can see internal controls in a company can make or break a company. With all participation and strict principals internal controls can provide a great basis for a company and catch all errors to ensure a smooth run for a company and avoidance of any scandals. With a loose internal control system or unethical practices a company can get a bad wrap, loose customers and investors, loose profit and assets, as well as loose all reputability. There will always be problems within companies, but with the close running of a company’s internal control and ethical practices, government involvement, and outside audits and over views a company can lower their risk of loosing anything valuable to their company, and staying out of the public’s eye in a negative manner.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Betrayal in the city Essay

A critical analysis of the theme of betrayal in Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City, Game of Silence and Man of Kafira This study examines the kind of influence postin dependence realities have had on Imbuga as a playwright. More specifically it is an exploration of some aspects of Imbuga’s dramatic transmission of these realities. A critical analysis of the dominant theme of betrayal, in Betrayal in the City, Game of Silence and Man of Kafira helps illuminate the realities. The guiding assumption is that drama in Africa carries a political dimension and is therefore socially committed. Drama may thus be read as a barometer of social change and progress. Imbuga’s drama artistically presents topical socio-political issues through dramatic exploration of the theme of betrayal and in the process reveals the playwright’s perception of society. The analysis starts off with a survey of the historical background of the three selected plays. This way we arrive at the origins of the theme of betrayal. The physical setting is Africa where the goings-on include the strangling of nascent democracy and the attendant oppression of the common people by the ruling elite. As Betrayal in the City demonstrates, the consequence of this state of affairs is a popular desire for change. Game of Silence is a dramatic critique of the culture of silence in which the playwright seems to advocate popular reaction against autocratic and anti-life forces. As Imbuga’s ideological stance as a writer becomes clearer in this play, we advance into Man of Kafira and its dominant theme of power crisis and the related positions of the former head of state. In the final analysis, we have read and understood society through Imbuga’s drama.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Legacy Of President Reagan - 1066 Words

One of the best presidents in the U.S. was Ronald Reagan. He was characterized by the love he showed to the country, many even considered him a hero. Reagan prove the American population what a true president is and what to expect of a president. Furthermore, he had a great communication with individuals and just by saying one word he could persuade the whole nation. When Reagan became president he was sure on the things that had to be done for the country. He compromise on the cut of taxes, curb government spending, and balance federal budget or at least reduce the deficit (Cannon, 2015). These goals would forever determine his administration. When Reagan came to power he was confronting a serious economic crisis and he knew that the†¦show more content†¦He knew that the cut of taxes would create an increase in supply and demand. This bill was mostly beneficial to the supply side of the economy. Many businessmen were able to invest in the country due to the tax reduction the country was facing. For instance, the economy of the U.S. would shift up and become the world potential power. When a big nation such as U.S. has an increase in supply, countries with a lower GDP want these kind of nations to help in the increase of their economy. When you start trade with these countries it can be beneficial to the growth of the country. Some of t he things such as vegetables can be cheaper in another country and therefore can be traded to the U.S. The Reagan years brought annual real GDP growth of 3.5% to 4.9% after the recession (Smith, 2014). Another important achievement in Reagan’s administration was the Water Quality Control Act. Reagan thought that the lakes had too much wastes and were polluted it was the government responsibility to clean the lakes. For Regan it was important to clean American waters because it was beneficial to each individual. The cleaning of American water was one of the highest goals Reagan wanted to achieve. This showed the humanitarian part the president had. In the days they were living not everyone thought it was important to take care of the lakes. Reagan not only showed a noble character but he also demonstrated what he was willing of